Nello svolgere la mia professione ritengo inevitabile che:
La risoluzione del problema dolore richieda l’osservazione e l’identificazione di tutti i sintomi e segni clinici; risulta quindi essenziale apprendere tutte le informazioni ed acquisire una familiarità con il soggetto paziente che deve essere protagonista attivo attraverso un attento esame clinico ed un adeguato trattamento conservativo o chirurgico in funzione della multifattorialità dell’origine del dolore
WORLD FEDERATION OF OZONE THERAPY NEXT WFOT MEETING: GUANGZHOU – SEPTEMBER 7TH TO 9TH, 2018 During the past meeting of the CFOT – Chinese Federation of Ozone Therapy / Chinese WFOT National Section, the board of this organization, presided by Prof. He Xiaofeng, WFOT President, decided to organize the 6th WFOT Meeting in Guangzhou, from […]
In 1931, Dr Otto Warburg, a German Biochemist, won the Nobel Prize for Medicine for linking the lack of oxygen at cellular level to the development of cancer. Warburg’s research concluded that healthy cells in the body need oxygen to flourish, but cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. With this principle in mind, […]
Ozone gas is an O2 molecule with an extra oxygen attached, making it O3.This extra oxygen molecule is what makes ozone “supercharged” and gives it all the remarkable medical properties. Oxygen is colorless and odorless, while ozone is blue colored (this is what makes the sky blue). The use of ozone to treat various medical […]